Hi, I'm Brenna. Follow me as I follow my Savior into the arms of the broken. It's truly satisfying to be part of something bigger than myself.

Monday, March 19, 2012

all along the western front.

I knew this time in my life was coming. To say that it snuck up on me was an understatement. 

Barely six months ago, I was settling into a routine of working at Cutters Point Coffee and getting used to the idea of a few years at South Puget Sound Community College. Somehow after my crazy adventures in Africa and Hawaii, I was okay with being at home for a while. That was, until I discovered Western Washington University. I had applied to go here during my Senior year, then completely abandoned the idea for YWAM. After I returned, the idea was brought up again, but my pride was too big, and had my hearts set on Biola. After that fell through, I was stuck at SPSCC, not ideal, but was affordable. Little did I know that Western was coming back for me. I went up to visit the boy I was dating at the time, and instantly was in awe of the community-- it possessed a similar YWAM culture, and it was at a public university. How had I neglected this place? I returned home, eager to tell my parents my wonderful discovery and to apply, only to find out I was a few days late for the Winter Quarter application deadline. They told me the possibilities of being accepted were slim, due to how full they were. In a sudden spurt of extreme confidence and determination, I told them I would try any way. Two weeks later, after arriving home from class, my mom greets me outside with a large package: my acceptance letter from Western. 

"Well, what are you going to do now?" she asked, "You got accepted!" 
I was in complete shock, only because on the way home I had been crying out to the Lord to reveal Himself, and I was declaring His love over my life. And now, an answer had come. 

You see, from the time I had arrived home from Hawaii to my acceptance into Western, I had been struggling with choosing the joy of the Lord over trying to control my life. I had just gotten to an incredible place of surrender, where I really decided to fix my eyes on Jesus, and take life as He gives it to me, and not to hold on to it so tightly. For so long, I struggled with trying to making my places for my life work. Once I released my grip, I instantly saw how the Lord swooped in and renewed my joy, and took me out of complacent relationships. I was being refined, and being brought back into His light. 

Later that evening, I sat down with my dad to share the good news. He was thrilled, feeling Jesus had been calling me to Bellingham for a while. There was so much peace and hope that came with this decision to transfer schools-- the financial aspect, the credit transfer, the ease of quitting my job, saving money & packing up-- it was as if the Lord had gone before me in every way and set me up to where I had literally no problems at all. 

I am three months into my life at Western and in Bellingham and I am absolutely in love. Sometimes I will sit back, and just say to myself, "Wow, this is what real living is supposed to be like." I spent my winter quarter getting immersed into community-- Ekklesia, small groups, Core groups, Crossfit fitness groups, staying up until the wee morning hours talking with friends-- I feel so unbelievably blessed. The Lord has dropped people into my lap that I get to love and encourage. I am in a place where I feel like my faith is finally being utilized in the way I want it to be. I did not ask to be put in an easy environment, but one where I can shine. He has also brought an amazing group of young women into my life who love the Lord, and now I had the privilege of living with them this summer, as well as next year.

Yep, that's right! This summer. I am a permanent resident of Bellingham. I felt the Lord confirm this long before I had a place to live or a job to support myself. I was just doing life with Him and he started providing. The first step of confirmation came when my friend Lisa, sent me this text: "I just wanted to text you saying I feel like doors to Seattle might be closing and I very well could be in Bellingham for another year. Megan and I were talking last night and if this is true, we want to live together.... with you! We're going to be praying about it and if that's something you'd want next year, we'd love to live with you!"

It's just funny how God works sometimes. Her text to me was confirmation for staying here, and my "YES" response was confirmation that the Lord was asking Lisa to stay in Bellingham. Walking through life with Jesus is fun, but also hard. Staying in Bellingham means Olympia really will not be home any more. Just last week, I got hired at Woods Coffee, at my dream location right on the water. The second and final confirmation. At the same time, my parents offer on their dream home got accepted, and they are moving out of my childhood home at the end of the month. My brother got a football scholarship to Western Oregon University and will soon start his journey into the real world. As I am moving forward in my adult life, so is my family. Going home will really not be going home anymore. I rejoice with my family in this time and they rejoice with me. We always knew this time of moving out and moving forward on my own was coming, and here it is. It has caused my steady stream of emotion to become a bit jumbled, but hey! This is life, it's an adventure and a journey. 

Even though I cried all the way to Bellingham today to start my training at Woods Coffee during my spring break, I am so happy! This time is exciting. I am living the dream and seeing Jesus at work in so many crazy, rad ways, and making amazing friendships and memories along the way. 

I am looking forward to this summer, immersed in community, making coffee by the water, and loving people. This is the life.